Saturday, August 31, 2019

“a Caring and Supportive Family Is the Main Building Block of a Community.” Discuss.

————————————————- â€Å"A caring and supportive family is the main building block of a community. † Discuss. Family can be defined as a group of people who have blood ties and who usually live under one roof forming a small community. The traditional concept of this would be a man and a woman who have a legal bond living under one roof with their offspring but when circumstances alter this arrangement the subsequent arrangement that arises does not make obsolete the bonds and relationships and the influence each member of that unit has on each other to form values and ethics that would contribute towards the building of communities. As such a caring and supportive family is the main building block of a community as it helps to mould individuals into positive social characters and personalities who contribute towards building a healthy community. However sometimes even though the family is caring and supportive the individual may fail to become one who contributes positively towards building a healthy community, on the other hand there may be individuals who come from dysfunctional families but are able to contribute towards the community because of other factors. The texts that will be used are The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, Muriel’s Wedding directed by P J Hogan and The Family by Anne Deveson. Firstly a caring and supportive family moulds an individual into a positive social character by building self-esteem and by guiding and helping the individual to realise the potential he or she has. [ts] They may even sacrifice to ensure that the individual is taken care off and disruptions to the individual’s life is minimised thus helping the person face traumatic experiences and eventually develop in them a social conscience to reach out to help the community. On the other hand, when there is no care and support that ensures that the welfare of the individual is secured than the individual may feel cut adrift and may lose all their self-esteem and feel that they are a useless member of society and as such may only focus on their own needs and become insensitive to the needs of others and end up not contributing towards building a better community. This can be seen from the haracters in the novel ‘The Outsiders’ where the two older brothers, Darry and Sodapop, sacrifice their futures and take on the responsibility to hold the family unit together to give stability to the life of their younger brother Ponyboy. They do this so that Ponyboy has the opportunity to fulfil his potential by having a stable home, guidance and support to excel in his studies so that he can have a better life. Pony is eventually able to weather the storms that he faces because his brothers stick by him and support him emotionally and physically. When Pony gets hurt saving the children from the burning church and is sent to the hospital, Darry is at the hospital waiting for him even though it is Pony’s unthinking actions that got Pony into trouble. Darry does not give up and retreat from Ponyboy. In the same token Sodapop does his best to try and help Darry and Pony understand each other. Darry and Sodapop are there for Pony all the time and Darry nurses and cares for him like a mother when Pony collapses after Johnny and Dally’s death. Darry’s perseverance in caring for Ponyboy and Sodapop’s emotional support and understanding eventually manages to shake Pony out of his stupor and depression and he begins to understand his brothers and their needs. This in turn helps Pony to take a grip of his life and come to terms with the grief and trauma of losing loved ones and to move on with his life. It is then that he is able to see that he has a social responsibility to tell people the story of Johnny and Dally so that they can understand boys who live on the wrong side of the cities better. Thus the care and support of his family is what helps Pony through his traumatic experiences and moulds him to be a person who is able to care about others and awakes in him a social conscience which helps to build a strong community. On the other hand Muriel from the movie ‘Muriel’s Wedding’ has little care and support that helps her develop her potential. Her family is dysfunctional. Her father is a corrupt politician who bribes and takes bribes. He is also very loud and bullies his wife and children and constantly makes derogatory remarks about them and especially Muriel all the time. Added to this he also commits adultery and blatantly brings his lover into family gatherings. Muriel does not get any form of guidance from her mother, Betty, who is weak and meek and blinds herself about the state of her marriage by ignoring the blatant adulterous relationship her husband is having with Deidre. Betty seems to cope with these problems by retreating and blurring out details she can’t face. This lack of guidance and bad examples in Muriel’s family results in moulding Muriel into some one who has low self-esteem as well as ethics. She does not think twice about using the blank cheque her mother gives her by mistake and uses all the money in the account in pursuing her own gratification by going to the same resort as her so called friends. Seeing how her Father makes use of friendships for his own gains, Muriel too, later, uses Rhonda’s friendship and support, when she runs away to Sydney, to fulfil her dreams of having a life similar to an Abba song. When Rhonda gets ill, she promises Rhonda to be there for her but eventually dumps Rhonda when she realises that Rhonda will not be able to walk. She deserts her friend who is in need at that point without a tinge of guilt and does not seem to be bothered by the fact that she has betrayed a truly sincere friend. Thus it is clear that Muriel is such a selfish character because of the lack of support and care from her family that have moulded her into a person who could only care for herself and her needs, without any social conscience to look to the needs of another which thus makes her an individual that would not be able to contribute towards building community. A caring and supportive family can also help an individual to develop positive personality traits such as the ability to overcome debilitating circumstances such as poverty and an unstable childhood and take his or her place in the community. On the other hand if the family is dysfunctional, the individual may not be motivated to do anything to get out of the rut and make something of himself or herself by getting a job and contributing positively to the building of the community. We can see how positive family support helps Anne Deveson from the passage titled The Family to learn to deal with her debilitating circumstances of poverty and an unstable childhood. From what she writes we learn that she and her family go through very hard times with points in their life when her parents could barely keep food on their table let alone enjoy the luxury of going for a movie. They have to constantly move and have to share their homes with other families. At one point the family even faces physical separation, yet we know that Anne eventually becomes a successful writer despite this background. Anne herself tells that she was able to do so because no matter how hard life became she did not lack warmth affection and loving. Through all their difficulties the parents always communicate as best they can with the children and persevere in keeping touch with them although they have problems sharing and talking to each other as can be seen at the time Anne’s father would visit her on weekends even though they could not communicate with each other. Anne’s mother’s example also taught her how to be resilient and to cope with problems by focusing on something else. Thus Anne learns never to give up and to face life head on to take her destiny into her own hands and contribute towards the building of a community. Conversely, when a family is dysfunctional, it is difficult for an individual to develop positive character traits that will see them contributing positively towards the building of a community. This can be seen in the character of Muriel’s brother in the movie, Muriel’s Wedding. From the beginning of the movie this character is portrayed as a jobless lout, who sits around watching television all day and orders his mother to do things for him following his father’s example. He also faces verbal abuse from his father who seems to drum into him that he is a useless individual and thus behaves like one too. He, in no way contributes to his family or society. In fact he too becomes a bully like his father and verbally abuses his mother at a time when she is facing emotional trauma because her husband has left her. This insensitivity is probably a catalyst that leads to Betty’s suicide. From this it can be seen that an individual’s home life influences the individual’s character as can be seen in the case of Muriel’s brother who gets no proper guidance from either mother or father. Added to this, he is only exposed to negative behaviour and examples from the father which results in a lazy and loutish character who has no respect for any one not even his own mother. Thus making him an individual who does not seem to have any motivation and interest to make something of himself and so is unable to contribute towards building community. While families that are caring and supportive help individuals to become people who contribute positively towards building a healthy community, there are also times when they may fail because of other factors that also influence the individual. In the same token an individual may come from a dysfunctional family but may be able to contribute positively towards the community because of other factors. This can be seen in the case of Randy from the novel the outsiders. Randy is influenced by the Soc’s and especially his best friend Bob. He joins them in rabble rousing and jumping Greasers. He is also one of those who were with Bob on the night Johnny was jumped and beaten so badly that it caused Johnny to carry a kinfe. As Randy later shares with Ponyboy it becomes obvious that Randy comes from a decent family and one who stands by him in trouble. He is given proper guidance by his father to tell the truth at the inquiry into Bob’s death. From this it can be seen that before Bob’s death Randy had been a destructive person and joined all the acts of aggression and violence of his group despite a family who was loving and caring. At that point of his life Randy was a person who was not capable of contributing towards the building of a community because he just followed his peers without discerning right from wrong. He did not do anything to prevent Bob from doing things that caused harm to others and which eventually cost Bob his life. On the other hand there are also times when the family is dysfunctional and yet the individual develops positive character traits and is able to contribute towards building society. This can be seen in the case of Johnny whose family is dysfunctional. He is abused and neglected and finds shelter with his Greaser friends who do their best to be there for him and support him. At first Johnny’s world is bleak and so negatively impacted by his home life that he shares with Ponyboy that he feels like committing suicide. But after the incident of his killing Bob and running away with Ponyboy, Johnny begins to realise that life can be good. At this point in his life it is his Greaser friends who stand by him. This prompts him to decide to return and face the consequences of his actions rather than drag Ponyboy down with him and become fugitives from the law. This ability to discern and make a life giving decision leads him to take responsibility that he and Ponyboy may have caused the fire and thus go into the burning church to rescue the children. Johnny thus gives his life so that these children may have a chance for a better life than himself. Thus despite coming from a dysfunctional family, Johnny makes decisions that help him achieve personal growth and contribute towards the community because he receives care and support from his friends. In conclusion a caring and supportive family provides an individual with the platform to build self-esteem and realise their potential as well as develop positive personality traits. In this way they can contribute towards the growth of the community. In the same token, despite the fact that they may have a caring and supportive family, ther e are individuals who may fail to contribute positively towards a community and those with dysfunctional families who may end up contributing positively towards a community due to other factors. But the bottom line is that a caring and supportive family is the main building block of the community for we need positive individuals to help influence those who may come from dysfunctional families.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Military Accountability Essay

Purpose: to provide a refresher on property accountability and an awareness of Army physical security. Agenda Government Property Accountability Equipment Sensitive Items Weapons Physical Security Government Property OCIE Your personal equipment Unit/Section Equipment Tentage, Radios, Vehicles, Anything Green Vehicle BII Driver or TC responsible for Accountability Clothing Record (DA 3845 and Electronic) Used for OCIE Hand Receipt (DA 2062) Used for equipment Sensitive Items Cannot be lost Report immediately to the chain of command if missing Comsec equipment Weapons Certain Technology SINCGARS NBC Alarms, NVG’s Weapons Individuals issued arms are responsible for their security at all times. Each issued weapon will be carried on the person at all times. Weapons will not be entrusted to the custody of another person. Pistols will be secured with a lanyard. AR 190-11 Responsibility You are responsible for all US Army equipment you sign for. You can be charged for missing or damaged equipment. If you lose it, report it! A field loss can be investigated if reported immediately. You buy it on the showdown. Physical Security (Defined) â€Å"That part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel, to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft.† AR 190-16 What Does That Mean? Physical security is meant to counter the threat during peace and war. Threat can range from enemy forces to terrorists to civilian criminals or saboteurs. How to Practice Physical Security Limit Access Secure Equipment Guards Locks Physical Barriers Fences Buildings Access Military Installations (Armories) will have access control. Installation Specific Varies based on Threat. Conclusion Secure equipment! Remember – You signed for it, you own it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Adriaen Kocks Research Paper

The Delft pottery production process starts with the sourcing of white clay that is imported from Germany. The clay is then mixed with water to form liquid clay. Afterwards, the liquid is poured into moulds made from plaster of Paris. The plaster absorbs the water and makes the clay to dry quickly.After the liquid clay is poured into the mould, it takes around thirty minutes to solidify around the mould. The excess liquid is then poured out. Consequently, the moulds are turned upside-down to remove the remaining liquid. The mould is afterwards removed from the pottery after four hours.Later, the edges are trimmed with a knife and the rough surfaces are smoothened by use of a wet sponge. The pottery is then left for three days to dry completely, followed by burning in an electric kiln for eight hours at a temperature of about 1040 degrees centigrade. Consequently, the pottery is allowed to cool for 24 hours. 1 The baked ceramic articles are then painted with the appropriate decoration s.The Delft Pottery technique started way back in the 13th century when the Delft Company received its municipal rights. In the 16th century, many delft factories were established in many Dutch towns. The plants produced many products including the famous â€Å"Maiolica† which was made of tin glaze decorated by being painted blue or being given polychrome design.The delft company acquired its name from a Dutch village where the articles were widely produced. Due to the civil war in China, many delft factories were closed down due to lack of raw materials. The existing language barrier also made the companies to close down.In the 19th century, the remaining companies closed due to increased competition and lack of appropriate technology. The cultural aspects and tradition of the Dutch people dictated that they paint all their articlesDuring the time when the delft pottery started, there were a lot of innovations and artistic techniques due to the discovery of the white porcela in in China. At this time, there was the civil war in China that led to the decline of the products of the delft companies.In the 17th century, the delft companies brought many exotic wares and spices from China. This action caused many artisans to make their own homemade pottery which led to the decline of the market. 2 By the 19th century, delft pottery had declined due to other European materials gaining popularity.Moreover, many Germany and other countries’ potters developed their articles which they distinguished from the original delft products by use of more advanced techniques, thus making their products more durable. The sales of the delfts thus diminished.  Some of the current artists that are producing pottery works that are related to delft pottery include â€Å"de Delftse Pauw† which exclusively sells and produces entirely hand-painted delft articles although with a different approach.Further, the British airways has made several airplane tail parts with the delft pottery technique. The delft technique is widely used in the manufacture of many products in the current world and it is an artistic method used by professionally-trained painters.In addition, many of the collections made by tourists include many of the of the delft remains. Delft pottery thus acts as an investment of the Dutch culture. Further, the delft pottery is used in the manufacture of building tiles, thus adding artistic flavor to modern technology.Works CitedKidson, Joseph R. Historical Notices of the Leeds Old Pottery. Verona NJ: Read Books, 2008.   .Reevens, George M. Sims, Ian and Cripps, J. C. Clay Materials Used In Construction. Bath, United Kingdom: Geological Society, 2006.Time Out. Time Out Amsterdam. Time Out Guides, 2005.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Seeds Dispersal Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Seeds Dispersal - Lab Report Example The purpose of this experiment is to determine the correlation between the distance covered by the seed and seed weight, fluff size, and the speed of the wind. The following materials were used, thirty milkweed seeds, meter rule, weighing balance, stopwatch, paper bags, strings, fan, and notebook.As described, the weight of each seed was measured using weighing balance and noted. The length of fluff was also measured and recorded. This was followed by measuring the time taken by seed on air. Each seed was dropped from a height of one meter three times and time average for the seed loft in air measured and recorded. After all the data were collected, the mean and standard deviation for time, weight and fluff length were calculated. The seeds dispersal is a significant factor in plants redistribution. Light seeds are flown a large distance by wind than heavier seeds. From the experiment, it is clear that small seeds move far distance than heavy seeds from their place of origin under the same wind magnitude. Seed dispersed from shorter plants move a small distance from their parent plant than taller plants. From the experiment, it is also clear that the distance moved by seed is directly determined by the strength of the wind. Excel sheet No.3 Wind plays a major role in plant dispersal. Only small light seeds with special adaptations can be dispersed by the winds. These adaptations are to facilitate the seeds remaining airborne longer which means they can be carried great distances. Such adaptations involve hairs or outgrowths which increase the surface area to catch the wind.

Japanese Great Armor Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Japanese Great Armor Analysis - Research Paper Example The covering was chiefly worn by the higher positioning samurai on horseback. The lower positioning officers had covering that was like the Ã… -yoroi, however had less segments, was lighter, and failed to possess the embellishing markings of the higher positioning samurai1. The majority of the data thought about the Ã… -yoroi is taking into account the covering of the higher-positioning authorities since the shield was either given to a sanctuary as an offering or kept up by the relatives of the first wearer. Large portions of the first segments of the Ã… -yoroi still in presence have been supplanted after some time because of the things being lost or harmed. The few remaining cases of Ã… -yoroi are on showcase in galleries in a few distinctive nations. There are additionally a couple of cases of Ã… -yoroi in Shinto sanctums where they have been kept up and secured for quite a long time. Therefore, it can be said that the yoroi was for only the rich in the society and was seclud ed for the chosen few. It may have signified royalty as well. The essential parts of the Ã… -yoroi and other samurai protection are referred to altogether as the "hei-no-rokugu" or essentially "rokugu," which implies six articles of arms. The six noteworthy segments are the dÃ…  (midsection reinforcement), kabuto (protective cap), menpo (facial shield), kote(armoured sleeves), sune-consumed (shin covering), and the hai-date (thigh defensive layer). One particular propel over prior shields is that the kozane of Ã… -yoroi are initially bound together and afterward secured with polish, which improves imperviousness to corrosion. The dÃ…  of the Ã… -yoroi is one of a kind from later models in light of the fact that it is made out of two different parts rather than one piece with an opening as an afterthought or again of the dÃ…  to permit the samurai to put on the protection. The samurai class, speaking of a negligible seven to ten percent of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Questions&Answers. Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questions&Answers. Business ethics - Essay Example The author claims that a worker that constantly follows some strict working conditions without any opportunity to express one’s personality and bring it into the product feels like the life has no meaning (2008). The reason is that people need to bring some part of them into the product they make, so they want to use their potential as much as possible. Thus, modern companies often don’t need the workers that want to express themselves, that are active, enterprising, and initiative, because such people can bring problems into the process of production that requires precise instructions followed and maximum of obedience. Although, it is impossible to say that production doesn’t work for people because for many workers their jobs actually help them to express their personalities and apply their skills. 2. In order to justify the production that destroys both personality and human value enterprisers have to change their approach to both their workers and the people who are supposed to use their production. The fact that enterprisers treat their workers as tools of production is the typical tendency in modern capitalistic world. During the process of production, where a worker can’t express one’s personality and use one’s talents, the worker is being assaulted by the process of manufacturing itself and becomes alienated from both the work one does and his life itself where it is impossible for him to get self-assurance. Another aspect of production that destroys human value is actually the results of production and producers’ treatment of those who will buy the product. Buyers are considered to be the objects where enterprisers get their money from. Thus, the only thing enterprisers are concerned about is in what way they can lure their buyers but not how can they please their customers as personalities and equal human beings. In order to justify production and avoid such humiliating

Monday, August 26, 2019

Call it what ever you like Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Call it what ever you like - Essay Example It is fighting for the liberation and the difficulties these people went through that made them to be known worldwide. Apart from those who spearheaded everything in the liberation, there are also people who actively participated in the liberation of the Blackman in the US and they are not pronounced as such in the history of the civil movement in the US. This paper considers the individuals who took active role in the liberation movement during the time and they were not captured as such in the conventional history. This reminds that in every epoch, there are those who stands out as the representation of the entire movement, this pairing down of the personalities at some times sounds bias as it does not account for a significant number of persons who played one role or the other during a period. This paper thus attempts to consider those not captured in the conventional history though played important roles in one way or the other-he is a family member. My grandfather was about 45 years by the time America was practicing racial discrimination against blacks and other races that were not Jews and white Europeans. The age is informed by the fact his first born who happens to be my father was already 20 years, going by the registration documents I could gather. My grandfather being an idealistic person did not endorse this tendency of discrimination. In this regard, he got involved in the grass root recruitment of the people during the many public demonstrations that were organized by the civil movement. According to my grandfather, they acted as the agents on the ground and they were used to pass information to the people so that objectives would be achieved. Following his involvement in the agitation for equality at the time, it came to my realization that probably he got intimidation and arrest by the officers more than those included in the history did. I was privileged to gather as

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Effective leadership and its impact on organization performance Research Paper - 1

Effective leadership and its impact on organization performance - Research Paper Example An effective leader should be aware when to act and when not to act. An effective leader should have good knowledge as it gives the leaders the ability to evaluate the causes and outcomes of their actions. For the existence of an effective leadership, a leader has to acquire from a mentor who can inculcate values that outshine the leader himself. If no guides or mentors are available, a leader can learn the direction and meaning through intercession. Further, an effective leader will have a real good faith for the common good of their subordinates or followers. An effective leader is not only advising his followers or subordinates to follow some path but also will be ready to learn things that require to be inculcated. During their communication process, effective leaders will always communicate with fairness and will exhibit respect to others. An effective leader will always exhibit as an example to other by adhering politeness, gentleness, calmness and quietness. Following these qu alities will make them as effective observers, spectators and thinkers. An effective leader will involve in meaning, thinking and careful observations. An effective leader will have the right virtue for the desired goals and vision of their organizations. Leaders should strive hard without any expectations for the outcomes since the results of effective leadership should derive advantage from the organizations and people instead of the leaders itself. Effective leaders will involve themselves in sattvic charity with a real sense of offering without any anticipating anything in return (Avolio & Gardner 2005, p.320). This thesis will analyze how â€Å"effective leadership contributes towards the achievement of organization success and improvement in the performance level of an organization†. Leadership connotes many characteristics and variables influencing the manner in which it is evaluated so as to be regarded to be effective. Leadership connotes intellectual drive,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Finance and Business Perfomance Assignment 1 Coursework

Finance and Business Perfomance Assignment 1 - Coursework Example That Sales are growing does not mean this is good because the cost price of goods sold is also increasing faster than Sales. The increase in sales figures may be due to the mark-ups of Louise to the Cost price. Louise is therefore selling a lower volume of goods but at higher prices as confirmed by the - 2% figure above, even though in Year 5, sales grew by 20% after Louise dropped gross margins from 30% to 25%. The gross margin is the ratio of gross profit to Sales and is the mark-up Louise adds to the cost of her products, whilst the net margin is the ratio of net profit to Sales after expenses are deducted from gross profit. Declining (- 4%) gross profits means sales are not increasing as fast as Cost price of goods, whilst the increase (14%) in net profits only means that Louise is controlling her expenses better, as shown by the 17% Average Sales/Expenses figure. Louise can improve the management of her business by spending more on marketing to increase demand and Sales figures. This would result in higher expenses, but it would increase Sales at a faster rate than the Cost price of goods and would result in an increase in net profits. Unless Sales increase, Louise's profits will be squeezed. If the capital of 60,000 in Year 1 is assumed to be the total she invested in the business, which includes initial inventory, improvements on the premises, furnishings and equipment, the van, and working capital to pay for wages and other expenses, the drawings of 64,000 over five years represents her return on that investment which, at a net value of 4,000 over five years does not seem much of a good one (at 1.3% per year). She may be better off depositing her money in the bank for a return of 3% to 5% (Economist, 2007). Of course, Louise may derive fun from running the business or perhaps she invested much less than 60,000 of capital, in which case she may be happy with the 12,800 annual income. An added danger is that assets are growing slower than liabilities (which would include accounts payables or debt to her suppliers), so unless Louise brings down debt, she may go bankrupt. She must manage her cash better to address this. And it seems that Louise is not paying taxes, so she better watch out as the taxman soon cometh 3. By reference to the figures, give a detailed assessment of the impact of the trading and financial performance of "Louise" on the personal financial situation of Louise Walford, over the five year period. [20/200] Louise Walford is not living the high life in Derbyshire we can be sure because her annual income is only 12,800, and unless she drives up sales at the shop to increase her net profits, she risks losing everything if her liabilities continue growing faster than assets. She drew only 8,000 in Year 3, and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Best war ever Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Best war ever - Essay Example How to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and straightforward. Eyes full of understanding, hearts full of love and the life that refuses conflicts-enough, these alone are enough! But when the war is declared, the objective of the country involved in the war, is to win the war, no matter how it wins! The advanced technology was brutally used in World War II, and it served very well, the ultimate purpose of any war—to win the war, to end the war and to secure peace! The main objective of the war-related technology is to win the war with minimum casualties. Technologically, America was superior on all counts than its enemies in war. It helped to contain and defeat its foremost enemy, Japan. To start with, â€Å"Japan’s naval technology and fighting methods, innovative in the beginning-stages of the war, quickly lagged behind the Allies. Japan lost naval air-battles because its ships and planes did not have the radar.†(Adams, p.62) Air-power dominated during II World War. There was not much difference in their roles like reconnaissance, bombers, fighters and ground-support though each area was technologically far advanced. Some additional roles were seen for the aircrafts in WW II. Airlift the fighting forces and move quickly high-priority supplies, strategic bombing, targeted bombing of the civilian areas to hamper enemy industrial production and inflict casualties to destroy the morale. At the beginning of the war aeronautical warfare played limited role and little success was achieved. But actions at Pearl Harbor, the South China Sea, Taranto, and the Coral Sea changed the complexion of the war. America had the decided advantage in technology. â€Å"For many, including a majority of survivors from the era, the war years have become America’s golden age, a peak in the life of society when everything worked out and the good guys

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Acid Rain investigation Essay Example for Free

Acid Rain investigation Essay o There are many different kinds of erosion but acid rain or else wind erosion are the two main types which could have eroded the marble statue which was positioned in the garden close to the industrial site. o Acid rain is made up from of a cocktail of different acids e. g. sulphuric acid, nitric acid, carbonic acid. Sulphuric acid is released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil, nitric acid is given off from car exhaust fumes, These gases react with water vapour and oxygen from the atmosphere and with the help of sunlight turn to acids and fall to ground in the forms of precipitation with high acidity levels which are between pH 1. 5 and 5 (acid rain or acid snow). o Sulphur dioxide is harmful to humans and can led to bronchitis and other lung diseases. o Sulphur is released into the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels; most of the worlds air pollution is due to the smoke given off from burning things. o The increasing amount of acid rain, which falls each year, is due to the increasing amount factories and vehicles on our roads. o Lakes in Scandinavia are effected very badly by acid rain even though very little of it is actually produced there, it is carried mainly by prevailing winds from Germany, France, the UK and other large industrialised European countries. o Acid rain can destroy trees by removing vital minerals from the soil, buildings, metal work e. g. cars, bridges, it can also destroy lakes and rivers killing all fish and plants which live their, acid rain can also take effect on are health. o Nitric acid could be the main power in acid rain for it is the most corrosive of all the acids which make up acid rain. Calcium carbonate + sulphuric acid = calcium sulphate + water + carbon dioxide CaCO3+H2SO4= CaSO4+ H2O+CO2 This word is equation is not to blame for the erosion of the marble statue because calcium sulphate is an insoluble participate which means that when the calcium sulphate come into contact the statue will be coated preventing it from any further erosion. With sulphuric acid not the blame for eroding the statue that leaves nitric acid and carbonic acid, carbonic acid is very week and therefore it would not be possible for it to erode the statue in such a short time, so that means the acid which has eroded the marble statue is nitric acid Calcium carbonate + nitric acid = calcium nitrate + water + carbon dioxide CaCO3 + NH3 = Ca(NO3) 2+ H2 O+ CO2 What am i going to investigate? : I am going to find out how the concentration of nitric acid would effect the marble statue and would quickly it will erode depending on how high the concentration of acid is. With the results I gain from this experiment I will draw up a graph to show how the concentration has taken effect. Safety: Like all experiments safety is very important and everything should be done carefully, safety goggles should be worn at all times in this experiment, we are using acids which are very strong, especially nitric acid, and therefore can easily burn so extra care is needed. All rules for experiments should be fallowed, to prevent any unwanted accidents, e. g. chairs below tables, tie tucked in. Fair test: To make this experiment fair a number of things must remain the same through-out the investigation: 1. same volume of acid used through-out, will be 25cm3. 2. Same type of acid used in the testing, in this experiment it will be nitric acid which I will use. 3. Every investigation must be done in the same temperature, this will be room temperature. 4. Same weight of marble used which will be measured to two decimal places. 5. So my results are correct I will do each experiment twice and find the average from the two tries. Apparatus: 1. Electronic scales- will be used to weigh out the marble to an accuracy of two decimal places. 2. Measuring cylinder- this will be used to measure out the volume of the acid. 3. Stop clock- used to time how long the marble is reacting with the acid. 4. Marble chips- will be used to react with the acid; some of the marble will be in powder form to speed up the reaction. 5. Nitric acid- will be used to react with the marble chips. 6. Beaker- will be where the reaction will take place. 7. Safety goggles- used to protect your eyes in case of any spillages, should be wore at all times during the experiment. What affects the rate of reaction? There are three main factors which can effect the rate of reaction on the marble statue they are: The concentration of the acid- the higher the concentration the more collisions will take place therefore erosion occurs quicker. The pressure of the acid- the higher the pressure the more collisions due to the particles being closer together. Temperature- the higher the temperature the more energy the particles will have meaning they will more much quicker and cause more reactions. Light- the amount of light available can alter the rate of reaction for the light will give energy to the particles which will increase the number of collisions. The size of the solids surface- the larger the surface area the longer it will take to be broken down, so a reaction on a solid with a small surface area will take a less time. Variables: Controlled- what I will keep the same through out this whole investigation is the mass of the marble which I will be used, it will be measured accurately using electronic scales. The volume of the acid will also be the same and it will be measured out using a measuring cylinder. Independent-this is what will be changed through-out the experiment, I will change the concentration of the acid for each part of the investigation. Dependent- I will measure the length of time it takes for each concentration of acid to erode the marble pieces. This will be done using a stop clock. Prediction: I think that if the concentration of the acid is increased the speed of the reaction will increase, this is because with a small concentration of acid mixed with marble there is less acid particles to react with the marble meaning there are fewer successful collisions, with a much larger concentration of acid mixed with marble more collisions will take place because there are more acid particles which means that the reaction will take less time. Suitable range of readings: I will have to collect enough readings from my experiment to draw a graph, this means I will need more than 5 readings, so If I record a reading every minute I should have enough information. I will do each experiment two times and take the average results. From this I will draw a graph to show the concentration of acid against time taken.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Developments between 1860 and 1877 Essay Example for Free

Developments between 1860 and 1877 Essay In 1861 the bloodiest and one of the most important revolutions in American History began, The Civil War. Socially this war had been brewing since the beginning of slavery. This controversial subject had been the object of debate mainly because it required a balance between free and slave states. Slavery was also a big issue between the Democrats in the 1860 election because they could not agree on the issue of popular sovereignty. This eventually led to their splitting which opened up the doors for Lincoln to take office. After Lincoln was inaugurated in 1860 seven states ceded and later four more. The south believed they were within their constitutional right to cede. In South Carolinas Declaration of Causes for Session the state says, Powers not delegated to the United States by the constitutionare reserved to the states (Doc A). This leaves Lincoln at a quandary over the age old constitutional issue of Nullification and session debated back in the day of the Virginia Kentucky resolutions and Hartford Convention. He resolves that it is not within the states power to cede and brings the nation to war. The eventual victory for the North would bring about one of the greatest changes in history; the Emancipation Proclamation that forever ended slavery and changed the southern way of life. With Slavery no more and a Southern society in ruins more changes had to be made in the Reconstruction revolution. After Lincolns and Johnsons plans for reconstruction failed, the Republicans who now controlled congress took the reigns. Socially there was the large issue of all these freedmen with nowhere to go, who are now demanding equality. In a petition written just after the war in 1865 from African Americans to the Tennessee Convention the blacks say, If we are called to military dutyshould we be denied the right to vote (Doc C). That same year a letter to the Freedmens Bureau (a group dedicated to helping protect blacks and their rights), from a group of blacks was asking for homesteads so they may have the same rights as white land owners (Doc E). With the need to help these newly freed blacks and protect them from those endorsing things like the Black Codes, states had to develop a constitution with special specifications to blacks rights. The constitutional changes that occurred not only to the state governments but to the national governments as well were the thirteenth amendment that ended slavery, the fourteenth that made blacks citizens, and the fifteenth that gave blacks the right to vote as illustrated in The First Vote (Doc G). The latter developments changed the south and America forever. The entire southern way of life was flipped upside down economically and socially. Sharecropping and the crop-lien system emerged to solve the labor shortages, blacks status increased, and education expanded; these are some of the main results of the Reconstruction Revolution. The Final revolution of this time unfortunately was that of the Redeemers. Since the beginning the conservatives had been fighting reconstruction in the South. The South had always had people (the democrats) opposed to black suffrage. Gideon Wells said, The Federal government has no rightto dictate the matter of suffrage (Doc D). To resolve these conservatives would require literacy tests to vote, and reinstate property requirements. These methods were ways around the vague constitutional developments of the 15th amendment. Violence was also used as a means to control the black population in the South. The Klu Klux Klan and White League would use terrorist acts on blacks and lynch many innocent blacks to discourage them from voting as illustrated in (Doc I). Blacks were also segregated from whites, which after the Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson was deemed legal as long as they had equal opportunities; however, the blacks did not have equal opportunities but it still allowed the whites to avoid the 14th amendment. Finally, in the Compromise of 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes was elected president and withdrew the troops from the south. The north believed that with the vote the blacks could take care of themselves and they also had their eyes focused on the West. However, with the soldiers gone the blacks became once again subject to the will of the whites. This is where history is debated on whether reconstruction was a success because the Redeemer revolution reverted the south back to a segregated area of tension once again. The faà §ade that was America changed significantly from 1860 to 1877. The constitution had been written a century prior leaving out many key issues. To address these issues revolutions took place and in the end change was made. The debate over slavery and cession led to finally freeing those who never deserved oppression. The end of the Civil War brought about the need for black rights and new ways of life. Opposition to these revolutions led to the reverting revolution that turned back the clock taking away once again what so many died for. The social and constitutional developments that helped fuel these revolutions are responsible for some of the nations greatest achievements like the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, and some of the worst like segregation.

Macro environment analysis of Berjaya air

Macro environment analysis of Berjaya air International business is a process or method in the economic system that describes all commercial transactions such as exchanging goods and services between two or more country. Mostly, the patterns and trends in international business include world trade and investment. International business is more likely to be choosing by Multinational enterprise (MNE). MNE believes that by doing international business, it provides them large market because they are now view world economy rather than their domestic market (Brakman Garretsen, 2008). They can now do export and import, foreign direct investment and also creates jobs and wealth opportunities to the nation that MNE penetrate in. Globalisation is powerful force impacting the economic, social and also political environment (Dunning, 1974). Declining in trade and investment barriers help the MNE to view the world and can base production in the optimal location for the market of activity, rapid growth in cross-border mergers and also acquisitions. The Berjaya Group starts when Tan Sri Dato Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun acquired a major controlling stake in the share capital of Berjaya Kawat Berhad from the founders, Broken Hill Proprietary Ltd, Australia and National Iron Steel Mills of Singapore. The company is official listing on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in year 1969. The acquisition of Tan Sri Vincent Tan toward Berjaya Group resulted in a great change in the aggressive growth of Berjaya in October 1988 (James, 2010). Berjaya has transformed into variable entity through joint-ventures, acquisitions and partnerships. Now with total employees of over 21000, the group are diversify and provide services such as financial services, consumer marketing and direct selling, vacation timeshare, hotels, resorts recreation development, property investment and development, airline, gaming and lottery management (Berjaya, 2010). 1.0 The macro environment analysis of Berjaya air Macro environment analysis can help a firm to establish a more proper and stable international business worldwide. This is because macro environment analysis provides more specific forces such as political, environment, socio-cultural and also technology that can help firm to adapt to the environment (Haughey, 2000), . This is because the environment are rapidly changing, the cultural in each nation are different and also their technology growth (Henry, 2008). Due to its diversification in many fields, it would be appropriate to analyse based on one group which I choose that is Berjaya air. Berjaya Air is practically practising the PEST analysis to meet demand of their local market. They believe that the forces in PEST analysis are fundamental for the growth in niche market in Malaysia and also Asian. Berjaya air was first started in Malaysia and they are using PEST analysis to excel in their domestic and also international markets (Malaysia SEO Company, 2009). 1.1 Political Malaysia practises Parliamentary Democracy with a constitutional monarch. With the economy and political stability, it is sure that many of the MNE want to do business in Malaysia. The key of attraction to investors to continue invest in Malaysia is all about political stability (Technip, 2010). Even though Malaysia contains of many races and practises different cultures, but still Malaysia remain peaceful. Furthermore, Malaysia government are attracting and encourage MNE to come invest and involve in their business transaction (The Star, 2010). Malaysia government are trying to make Malaysia as core a core business centred around the world. Hence, the government are allowing any foreign investor to invest in any field in the Malaysia business and they are also being given freedom in context of rule and press of law. Incentives are given for a firm to do their project and Malaysia government are more focus in social and employment legislation for the purpose to create peaceful countr y for any investor. For a firm to success in a market, there are believed that they have good political relationships with the government. This is because governments have a lot rules and regulations that a company needed to follow. For example, there were tax policy, environmental regulations, trade restrictions and tariffs and political stability. Therefore, Berjaya has always kept good relationships with the government. This is to ensure them their safety and stability development while conducting business. It also can attract local and also foreign investor to invest in the firm as they have good relationships between the firm and the government. By understanding and adapting to the political environment of a country, Berjaya are ready to tackle the domestic and international markets. The Berjaya also believe to have close connection with former prime minister, Tun Mahathir Mohammads family business (Aditjondro, 2005). 1.2 Economic Other than political factor, Berjaya also look into the economics of country. This was important to know the purchasing power of consumers so that the company can tackle and produce a product that will be bought by consumer. The group also concern about the interest, exchange and inflation rate of the country. This is because the economic growth can affect the rate and the company needs to sustain in the growth of the economy (Goodwin Nelson, 2008). Malaysia actually is a country that has lot resources such as rubber, palm oil and also natural resources such as petroleum and tin (Janes Information Group, 2009; Altius Directory, 2010). The growth of Malaysias economy is driven by export to the other countries such as Japan, China and also United State (US). The country began to move from a domestic producer to a multi sector economy. Over the last 16 years, the gross domestic product (GDP) in Malaysia has growth and reach over 6% per year. The unemployment rates also remain low at 4% and also low inflation even though recent global rise in crude oil prices (Trading Economics, 2010). This created a very good opportunities for Berjaya in expand their business in airline because more passengers will take flight on vacation as the economy are become more stable and change of monetary measures. 1.3 Social Furthermore, social factors were also important for a company. Berjaya needs to look in the different of cultural and demographic especially in Malaysia. This is because Malaysia contains of different races and cultural that needs the company to segmentation their product in it. Consumers are more towards health consciousness lately and they are more emphasis on safety living environment. By having good reputation for the Berjaya airline, passengers are feeling secured to take the flight. Berjaya air tickets are cheaper than Malaysia Airline System (MAS) and reasonable that make it is an attraction for passengers to choose their flight. According to MAS itself, not all can afford a higher flight ticket as passengers will try to find other alternative that are cheaper. Their customer services department also quite slow in providing detail to their customers (Vin, 2009). 1.4 Technology Last for the PEST forces is the technology. Technology can help the firm to save cost in the production making because it minimum the efficient production levels and also lower the barriers to entry (Kottler, 1998). This technology factor is very important to strengthen and enhance in Berjaya airlines system. When internet was first launched in 1990, JARING is become famous and rapidly being use by all Malaysian. After that, TMnet which is the second Malaysias Internet Second Provider (ISP) was licensed at in 1996. With faster surfing environment than JARING, more Malaysian are subscribe to Tmnet (Becker, 2002). After few years later, there were three new ISPs being incorporated in Malaysia that is Digi, Maxis Communication and Time Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. (Yunus, 2000). Foremost, the introduction of E-commerce and E-business has made any business become easier. Business transaction can be done around the world such as booking ticket online. Furthermore, Berjaya airline are using SITA Gabriel Reservations System. This system is the worlds largest international providing airlines with vital passenger reservations and management information system. The functions of this system is to record all the passengers name, the flight schedule and also other features such as boarding pass printing and advance seat selection (Pilling, 2008). Hence, technology is really important for business nowadays. It helps the management of the firm to become more efficient and smooth. 2.0 The International Consideration There were many considerations to be made before going into international business. In the airlines field, each country has their national airlines that mostly owns and operates by local government. Other than that, private airlines are collateral to a great deal of government regulation for economic, political, and safety concerns. For example, governments in Singapore often interfere to terminate airline labor actions in order to protect their free flow of people, communications, and goods between different countries (Paul, 2010). Berjaya Air is doing foreign direct investment in other countries such as Singapore and Thailand. They had flight to fly to the Koh Samui, Thailand and also to Changi, Singapore airport for meets their customers wants and demands. The other consideration a firm has to stress is in the deregulation of the airline industry. Before deregulation was introduced, countries have their own policies to protect their domestic air carriers from any other foreign competitors. These own policies makes the air services are more restricted between each country and also troublesome. For example, there were requirement that need to be made for each airlines firm such as the route that they are taking, airfares and their operating method (Ioannides Debbage, 1998). In the year of 2008, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have all being standardised as deregulation region. This allow airline from each members countries to fly across each other region without any problems. Under the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on Air Services, each airline in the ASEAN countries is granted to enjoy free flow of flight to fly across other countries and the rights to make stops in other countries territory for non-traffic purposes such as emergency landing or fuelling (King Rodolfo, 2006). Malaysia begins to promote their tourism industry in the late 1980. Statistic show that around 5.5 million of travellers visited Malaysia in 1991. Even though Malaysia have faces many problems such as Gulf War, global slowdown and recession in their politic structure but still tourism contribute to approximately MYR5 billion in year 1991. Malaysia continuing to targets tourists from their neighbouring countries and also Middle East such as Saudi Arabia by providing range of tourism options (Locsin, 2010). This is because Malaysia is well known in its history and has many differences cultural to be explored. Tourism Malaysia reported that there were 119.5% increase in the number of visitors. Government will continue to support this industry as it is important for them to generate revenue of foreign exchange. Nevertheless, Berjaya Airline is trying to promote their package with low air flight tour of business as to increase their customer level (Anon, 2009). By target only the most famous places that tourists will visit, it help Berjaya airline to gain good brand image in no time for the tourism industry. Wherever tourists planning to go in any interesting places in Malaysia, they surely will choose Berjaya air because the airline are more fly toward any famous destinations in Malaysia and also other countries such as Koh Samui, Thailand and also Singapore, known as a shopping paradise. However, the liberalization of industry has led to an increase in flights and airlines operating on certain routes. Bilateral agreements are also affect the free entry and exist in the airlines systems. Bilateral are based on open skies agreement which give freedom to fly with full traffic in any capacity and routes. Because of freedom in entering and exist, more airline firms are interest to invest in any countries (Bowen Leinbach, 2010). The local airline faces more competition than last time. In the Berjaya case, their rivals who are MAS and Air Asia that already established airline services for an age. MAS and Air Asia also provide more services to strengthen customers loyalty toward their airlines and will benefit the firm because more customers are choosing their airlines to fly (Business Time, 2010). The main advantage in an attempt to optimize an airline firm profit is their pricing ticket. Over the year, the pricing of airline tickets has increase and become major problem that faced by any airlines firm and its troublesome. By having complications in scheduling flights and to sustain profitability, airlines are forced to make constant adjustments. Moreover, another financial issue is that of hedging of oil  and  fuel  purchases (Notaras, 2010). This is usually the second expenses in its relative cost to the company. But, with the increasing in fuel prices has brought the largest cost to an airline. As to overcome the issues faced by Berjaya airline, they are utilizing public relations to extend and supplement its advertising budget. By having special promotion, it can help Berjaya to boost up their customer and provide them with latest and famous aviation that their customers would like to visit. The airline is operating using new market by transcending the technological barrier with the latest technology in the airline business (Swissgabe, 2003). It helps Berjaya from face any other complications in systems break down that can affect the overall management in its firm. This can evaluate the overhead cost and time consuming because the systems is always being maintains and are up-to-date. Despite from all the factors that being discuss just now, Berjaya is ready to going into international business. They already established and targeted their neighboring countries in ASEAN region such as Thailand and also Singapore. By focusing more on the niche market, Berjaya airline can target and segmented their customer in the market. The steps of concentrate more on niche market bring Berjaya airline profit because they are targeting to specific, segment, and also satisfying their customers (Berjaya Air, 2010). It narrows down the scope and clarifies the focus of the marketing of the Berjaya. Berjaya airline is a small firm and by focus more in niche market, the firm can concentrate to develop strategies to meet their customers want and needs. These give Berjaya airline a competitive advantage toward any other airlines firm because all of the airlines firms in Malaysia have different targeting customers and wont overlapping with their each other that can affect the revenue retur n of their firm. 3.0 The Growth of Business For a business to continue success in the world, the firm needs to come out with new strategies that can help the growth of the business. The firm needs to do some self improvement because the world is become globalize and the wants and demand of customers are converging around the globe (BNET, 2008). Even thou the aim of a business is to gain profit but they also need to lesser their competitors in the market because too many rivalry bring less profit to their firm. By consider to Ansoffs Product Market Matrix, Berjaya airline can build good strategies that in the long run shall help create many opportunities to their firm. Based on Ansoffs Product Market Matrix, it helps marketer in any firms to see wider perspective to grow the business through existing products and markets (Berkshire, 2010). In this aspect, Berjaya airline can focus in promoting their low cost carriers (LCCs). This is because LCCS are different from any other traditional carriers as it has different business model; low operating costs and low fares. Low Cost Carriers business model are believe to growth in faster rate rather than other business model because they focus more in providing low airfares (Field, 2008). Operating cost has to be kept low as well in orders to keep flight ticket prices low. This can be done by using more fuel efficiency plane or aircraft. By moving forward, Berjaya Airlines introduce the ATR 72-500 aircraft and is well known for its reliability to be among the best environment friendly turboprop aircraft (NRI, 2010). Other than this, flying to uncongest or secondary airports such as in Pulau Redang, Pulau Tio man and also to Changi in Singapore allow the LCCs have quick turn-around, cut back on delay and save money. Berjaya Air also makes sure that their operating method is point-to-point flights to avoid the cost of providing services for connecting passengers. LCCs demand are increasing as the low prices of ticket that stimulate passenger to choose them. Additionally, the average airfares decrease. This is also known as Southwest Effect. For example, a study in Denver found out that passenger volumes increased by an average of 36.8% meanwhile the fares decreased by an average of 18.2% after the LCCs business model being introduced (IBM, 2010). In the term of new product development, Berjaya Airline tries to introduce new packages that suit for local and also international tourists such as Great Holiday Escapes. This package brings the passenger to popular destinations such as Koh Samui in Thailand, and also local places such as Pulau Redang and Pulau Tioman. Furthermore, Berjaya also set up company base operation in Kuala Lumpur which manage and utilizing the route advantage to designated travels destinations with easy access and smart location compared to MAS and Air Asia. Before Berjaya involve in airline business, they already well knew in property investment and development, hotels, resorts and recreation development and many other. However, Berjaya Group has diversified into airline which is newly for them and known as Berjaya Air. By taking steps further, it helps Berjaya Airline to become further develop in the domestic and also international flight. In the future, Berjaya Airline is planning to expand their territories through partnerships and also cooperation with other larger airline in ASEAN. The marketing researchers also try to identify and expanding new routes. By doing this, they have greater opportunities in exploiting the airlines markets. 4.0 New Venture It is believe that after a firm success in their current market, the firm will begin try to expand in more newly venture that they have never done before. By doing new venture, the market size actually are bigger because the firm have move to wider scope and target of their business. However, it is not easy for Berjaya Airline to sustain in the new venture as they are small firm compare to MAS and Air Asia. But, having competitive advantages in their business strategy, Berjaya can overcome this problem and without overlapping with other airline profit earnings (Porter, 1985). For my choice, Berjaya Airline can consider to doing foreign direct investment in the Cambodia country. Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy country and almost 96% population of their citizens are practiced Theravada Buddhism. Between, they have different minority races such as Cham, Muslims, Chinese and various tribes that stay in northwest of Cambodia. Mostly, the economics of Cambodia are towards the agriculture and some related sub-sectors. They are becoming major exporter in rice as in 2010 to 2011 year, their surplus of paddy is said to be around 7.3 million tons (AKP, 2010). In the late year of 1997, the tourism industry in Cambodia is rapidly growth despite of recovery in economic crisis. The arrivals of tourists in Cambodia from year 1997 are 219,000 to approximately 2 million people in the year 2007 (Asia Info, 2010). By understanding more on a country that Berjaya would like to penetrate in, it give them clear picture on what the policies in government laws and also the s tability in the local government economy. Based on Porters Five Forces Analysis, it show and help Berjaya Airline to create competitive advantages which contain all the important five forces that is threat of entrants, bargaining power of customers and suppliers and also threat of substitute and rivalry. 4.1 Threat of New Entrants First of all, one of the threats would be security of Berjaya networks. Advancement in the technology has created a lot of viruses and also hackers. Internet is very vulnerable and Berjaya need internet to doing their online transaction for booking ticket. However, this is not the major concern for Berjaya Airline as they are using latest technology that can reduce the risk from being spam by hackers or viruses. The main concern for Berjaya in establishes business in new country mean that they have to provide a huge sum of money for them to operate. By lacking of capital, Berjaya Airline maybe be need to acquire loans from bank so that they have possibilities to doing the business. As a member of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Cambodia are become more developing as ASEAN help to create a more peaceful and stability region and also help in economic and social growth (Rodis, 2010). Chaos in a country can harm their economy growth as the investors are not willing to plunge their money in a vacillating country. Other than that, ASEAN Single Aviation Market (SAM) helps the tourism industry in Cambodia growth because more passengers are taking the air services. The passengers services will be removed and full liberalisation of air freight services will be introduce (Thomas, 2008). 4.2 Bargaining Power of Customers and Suppliers The bargaining power of consumers is high for the domestic airlines as there have a lot of choices for customers to be made. For example in the Cambodia domestic flight, it has around 10 domestic airlines that provide local flight such as Angkor Airways, Cambodia Airlines, President Airlines and other. The airlines is not fully own by the Cambodias government because the Vietnam Airlines Corporation also acquired 49% of the Cambodias Airlines. But, for the international routes or flight, there are less options for passenger to bargain and it make they have no other alternative and to take any flight services that are available in market. In the suppliers aspect, the price of airplanes continue high as there were few suppliers in the market (Floris Oswald, 2006). Most of airline supply business was dominated by Boeing and Airbus. In Porters generic strategies, Berjaya Airline business strategy is to target specific market with low prices, efficiency in operation and also provide popular destination for tourist such as Siem Reap in Cambodia. Statistics show that around 561,000 to 677,000 tourists enter Siem Reap province which is their international airport in the year 2004 to 2005. Siem Reap also has a large number of hotels and restaurants that make convenience for any tourists to try any local cuisines and also quite lot attractions (Angkor Visitor, 2010). The attractions were Angkor Wat, Angkor National Musem, Central Market and Cambodia Landmine Museum. The main attraction for the tourists is Angkor Wat. It is said to be the largest temple in the world and listed in the World Heritage as the most popular place to visit (UNESCO, 2009). Other than that, lower currencies in Cambodia also attract tourists to visit Cambodia over the year. With roughly 100 Cambodian Riel (KHR) is equal to 0.08 cents of Malaysia Ringgit (MYR) where KHR and MYR is monetary unit. By having a lot of competitive advantages such as famous place to be travel and low currency exchange, Berjaya Air new venture into the Cambodia Airline market create good opportunities for them in short and long term run. 4.3 Threat of Substitute Product and Rivalry Even thou Berjaya see a lot of advantages in doing business in Cambodia Airlines, but by going international also make the face many competition. Passenger has more options towards the local transportation such as train or other. But considering about the time consumptions that they need to bear with, consumers are willing to go for airline. Additionally, Berjaya need to deal competition with local airlines that provide same services. Many of the local competitors in multi countries are having affiliates or subsidiaries from the government. Local airline would have more and easy access to the information because they receive support and also have good relationships with the government. The information such as market demands, policies changes and economic slowdown can affect and slowdown the overall operation of Berjaya Airline. This is because airline industrys high capital requirements, protective regulatory structures, and scale advantages that cost of competition would eliminate f uture profit. Exist in rivalry for the airlines industry is also cant be avoided. Each airline company are providing the same services and operating to the same destinations. Furthermore, each of the firm is competing among themselves by promoting privileges membership, cutting airfares, and many other benefits just to grab customers loyalty towards their airlines. However, Berjaya Airline central objective is to achieve bigger niche advantages than their rivals by continuing searching areas such as Angkor Wat in Cambodia to cater great tourist destinations with additional tourisms services. For them, the aimed of differentiation and variety specific destination is a competitive priority and it helps Berjaya Airline to determine the market position. 5.0 Conclusion In conclusion, going international business is promising every firm with high return of profit. Not only going international, the domestic businesses also need good strategies planning to excel in both fields. By understand more on what approaches that are best suit to Berjaya take in internationalism will help them to show a positive growth in their firm. By adopting all the strategies needed by Berjaya Airline such as PEST, Ansoffs Product Market Matrix and also Porters Five Forces help the firm to realize the strength of a market. The firm can now use this competitive advantages to tackle the airlines industries not only domestic but also international as the strategies already provide them many steps to overcome problems faces by the firm and also steps to improve their airline services. (4234 words) 6.0 Referencing Aditjonro 200. Company Profiles [Online] Available at: (Accessed on 4th November 2010) AKP, 2010. Cambodia to Become a Major Rice Exporter [Online] Available at: (Accessed on 28th November 2010) Altius Directory 2010. Malaysia Economy 2010 [Online] Avalaible at: (Accessed on 14th November 2010) Angkor visitor, 2010. History of Angkor Wat [Online] Available at: (Accessed on 2nd November 2010) Anonymous, 2009., Air Destination and Servicess [Online] Available at: (Accessed on 13th November 2010) Asia Info, 2010 Article: The Cambodia Economy [Online] Available at: (Accessed on 2nd December 2010) Becker, J., 2002. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Main Man in Macbeth :: Free Macbeth Essays

The Main Man in Macbeth      Ã‚   Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth teaches many lessons through the character of Macbeth, whom this essay will consider in detail.    In Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack shows how Macbeth complements his wife:    Her fall is instantaneous, even eager, like Eve's in Paradise Lost; his is gradual and reluctant, like Adam's. She needs only her husband's letter about the weyard sisters' prophecy to precipitate her resolve to kill Duncan. Within an instant she is inviting murderous spirits to unsex her, fill her with cruelty, thicken her blood, convert her mother's milk to gall, and darken the world "That my keen knife see not the wound it makes" (1.5.50). Macbeth, in contrast, vacillates. The images of the deed that possess him simultaneously repel him (1.3.130, 1.7.1) When she proposes Duncan's murder, he temporizes: "We will speak further" (1.5.69). (189)    Lily B. Campbell in her volume of criticism, Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion, explores the workings of Macbeth's mind as he plots the destruction of Banquo and son :    If the witches have spoken as truly to Banquo as to him, Macbeth sees that he wears a "fruitless crown" and carries a "barren sceptre" in his hand; he has indeed given peace and immortality to make the race of Banquo kings. And he proceeds to his interview with the murderers, plotting what he dare not do openly, for the fear that comes when we are rivals for a thing and cannot both have it makes it seem to Macbeth:    That every minute of his being thrusts Against my near'st of life;    and he will kill his fear by having Banquo and Fleance both put to death.(224)    In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson tells how the audience is inclined to identify with such a rogue as Macbeth:    That such a man should sacrifice all the wealth of his human spirit - his kindness, his love, his very soul - to become a victim to continual fears, a tyrant ruthlessly murdering in the vain attempt to feel safe, finally to be killed like a foul beast of prey - this is terrible, and pitiful, too. Shakespeare has here achieved for us most poignantly the ambivalence of the tragic effect Aristotle described. We see the necessity of Macbeth's destruction; we acquiesce in his punishment unreservedly; and yet we would find whatever excuses for him we can, because we admire the Promethean quality of his courage, because we recognize his conscience as like our own, and because we share his guilt. The Main Man in Macbeth :: Free Macbeth Essays The Main Man in Macbeth      Ã‚   Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth teaches many lessons through the character of Macbeth, whom this essay will consider in detail.    In Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack shows how Macbeth complements his wife:    Her fall is instantaneous, even eager, like Eve's in Paradise Lost; his is gradual and reluctant, like Adam's. She needs only her husband's letter about the weyard sisters' prophecy to precipitate her resolve to kill Duncan. Within an instant she is inviting murderous spirits to unsex her, fill her with cruelty, thicken her blood, convert her mother's milk to gall, and darken the world "That my keen knife see not the wound it makes" (1.5.50). Macbeth, in contrast, vacillates. The images of the deed that possess him simultaneously repel him (1.3.130, 1.7.1) When she proposes Duncan's murder, he temporizes: "We will speak further" (1.5.69). (189)    Lily B. Campbell in her volume of criticism, Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion, explores the workings of Macbeth's mind as he plots the destruction of Banquo and son :    If the witches have spoken as truly to Banquo as to him, Macbeth sees that he wears a "fruitless crown" and carries a "barren sceptre" in his hand; he has indeed given peace and immortality to make the race of Banquo kings. And he proceeds to his interview with the murderers, plotting what he dare not do openly, for the fear that comes when we are rivals for a thing and cannot both have it makes it seem to Macbeth:    That every minute of his being thrusts Against my near'st of life;    and he will kill his fear by having Banquo and Fleance both put to death.(224)    In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson tells how the audience is inclined to identify with such a rogue as Macbeth:    That such a man should sacrifice all the wealth of his human spirit - his kindness, his love, his very soul - to become a victim to continual fears, a tyrant ruthlessly murdering in the vain attempt to feel safe, finally to be killed like a foul beast of prey - this is terrible, and pitiful, too. Shakespeare has here achieved for us most poignantly the ambivalence of the tragic effect Aristotle described. We see the necessity of Macbeth's destruction; we acquiesce in his punishment unreservedly; and yet we would find whatever excuses for him we can, because we admire the Promethean quality of his courage, because we recognize his conscience as like our own, and because we share his guilt.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Comparison of the Villains of A Dolls House and Madame Bovary :: comparison compare contrast essays

Similarities in the Villains of A Doll's House and Madame Bovary Bibliography w/2 sources  Ã‚   Krogstad and Lheureux are two literary villains created by Henrik Ibsen and Gustave Flaubert respectively. Between them, they share many similarities. They both are exploiting the main character of the novels they are in. They both want something, which was at least at one point money. They both seem cold and heartless, remorseless, though nice at one point in time. When are also alike in that when they want something, they will resort to vicious means of acquiring it. They know the secrets in which both novel's plots are based. The list of similarities is significant as any one can see, but can they really be named "similar"? Perhaps they have some in common, but are the characters truly alike? It would seem to me that they are actually very different. It can be argues either way, but the correct answer to this question can only come though examination. Weighing both the likenesses and similarities will rule out either extreme in likeness, but perhaps they fall into a category close to one side. In this essay I intend to cut through the protective fibers set by Flaubert and Ibsen, and to examine the contents of two important characters, to compare them, and to contrast. Both Lheureux and Krogstad want something. At first they both want money, which is a large similarity. Soon Krogstad changes his demand to keeping his job, and Lheureux just lets the debts owed to him by Emma Bovary build up. They both seem nice at one point in each work. Lheureux begins on a good note, being very kind to Emma and her husband. He extends a lot of credit to Emma, which she abuses, and unwittingly plans her own demise. Krogstad on the other hand begins with a money grubbing attitude, though not quite as ruthless as that of Lheureux. Krogstad's ultimately progresses through the play, when at the end he is actually a decent individual. It would seem that as far as character progression goes, the two are inverse of each other. They both use threats to gain what they want. In Lheureux's case, he threatens to tell her husband, and later foreclosure if she doesn't pay. She managed to put Lheureux off for a while. Finally he lost patience...He'd be forced to take back the things he had brought her.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Poe Compare to Manson :: essays research papers

Though born at different times and in different places Edgar Allen Poe and Bryan Warner (Marilyn Manson) are surprising social and ideological doppelgangers. Starting as early as their childhood you can notice notable similarities. Bryan spent the majority of his time at his grandparent’s house. It was a generally hostile area for young children, leaving little access to parental supervision or interaction. Poe on the other hand had no father around to begin with and his mother died when he was two. He went on to live with his mother’s business associate who turned out to be quite abusive. Now due to personal problems Poe was unable to attend school any longer and didn’t finish his education which had been a aspiration of Poe’s to be removed. This seemed to be a similar trend between Poe and Bryan, because Manson did it as well. Both writers were similar in there choice of work as well, and how they delivered them. Both Poe and Bryan published many works before there writing became popular. The macabre story of â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† by Edgar A. P. is quite similar to Bryan’s first published work about himself ending up murdering and raping his sister. Obviously the chosen tone by both of these individuals is similar because they desire to put out a persona. This persona is a general feeling that each Artist expresses as a discontentment with life and society, and leads to there morbid works. Poe wrote â€Å"Poe’s Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque†, where Bryan published a CD â€Å"The Golden Age of Grotesque† which both turned out to be fairly similar. On an ideological level they both consider the modern man to not be that modern. They were both haunted by something internal possibly even external that drove them nearly insane and tainted there view of all of society. Both of them had very low morality and on many accounts lusted after family members and the same sex on occasion. Poe left the Army and West Point which had been the next step in his life, he enjoyed the army in many ways ideologically speaking but still loved writing too much to not follow it. He married his first cousin against the wishes of his family and decided to make a life. Bryan decided not to go into military but still always struggled with organized religion, he also had a sexual fascination with family members.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Biblical Terms Used in Counseling Essay

Dr. William Roberts LaTonia Watkins Liberty University COUN 501 December 18, 2009 Abstract The topic of counseling has been up for discussion for sometime as it relates to the spiritual or biblical aspect versus the worldview or secular concept. There has been some disagreement in regards to whether or not one can be a Christian counselor who have a level of morals and ethics that will allow them to not let their own personal beliefs affect the level of service they provide, when faced with an issue that goes against their beliefs. Upon conducting a biblical word search for counsel or counseling related terms it becomes evident that the core principles and foundation of counseling is found throughout the bible. The information obtained will detail the usefulness of the Bible in engaging in a meaningful as well as effective counseling profession. Biblical Terms Used In Counseling There has been much dispute as to the usefulness and validity for using biblical concepts in counseling. The most common disagreement is found between counseling professionals and Christian counseling professionals. Pride (2006) states, â€Å"psychology approaches human behavior from a secular, humanistic perspective. † Accordingly, Biblical revelation is irrelevant to understanding or changing human behavior. Psychology seeks to describe and explain human behavior apart from what God has clearly revealed. Its premises are derived from man-made theories, human wisdom and research conducted without a corresponding search for truth as God defines truth. Clinton and Ohlschlager (2002) have a different opinion of counseling and prefer using the Bible stating â€Å"secular psychology begins with a study of man’s ideas; Biblical counseling begins with a study of the Word of God as it relates to human behavior and human need. Therefore it is dependent upon the revealed mind of God rather than the easily deceived mind of man. † However it does not begin with God, it follows a path that lines up with the Word of God and examines man’s problems in light of God’s responses. The two aforementioned viewpoints are clear cut examples of the differences in opinions and viewpoints for counseling from a secular perspective as well as the religious perspective. Another view of counseling attempts to integrate religion/biblical views or perspectives with psychological counseling which is known as the secular-humanist view. Some view counseling as a process of prayerfully and sensitively listening to another person (Proverbs 18:13, 17), helping discern soul needs and providing biblical advice towards changing the attitudes and behaviors towards modeling God. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the validity of the Bible as a source for counseling and to expand the overall view of counseling perspectives. By examining words and concepts in the Bible as they relate to counseling the relationship between the two will be discovered. Using Biblical concepts adds depth and enriches the counseling relationship (Pride, 2006). Also addressed in this paper will be the ways of Biblical terms and their relationship to modern counseling concepts. Biblical counseling terms can provide a useful tool for counseling as well as allows for an understanding of counseling concepts in the field of counseling. Biblical Words Related to Counseling Counsel The term counsel is found to be translated 80 times throughout the King James Version of the bible which includes 74 verses between the Old Testament and the New Testament combined. According to the word search the term counsel is used interchangeably with several terms in the bible such as advise (Qal), consult (Nipal) and conspire (Hithpael). Judges 18:5 â€Å"They said, ‘Oh, good- inquire of God for us. Find out whether our mission will be a success. †Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ In this passage they are seeking (consult) God for his guidance (advise) in regards to the outcome of their mission. I Kings 12:8-9 â€Å"But he rejected the counsel of the elders and asked the young men he’d grown up with who were now currying his favor, ‘What do you think? What should I say to these people who are saying, give us a break from your father’s harsh ways- lighten up on us’? † This passage also shows an example of someone seeking advice in their situation. Mark 3:6 â€Å"The Pharisees got out as fast as they could, sputtering about how they would join forces with Herod’s followers and ruin him. † This scripture details how the Pharisees consulted together and decide that they would join forces with Herod’s followers and go against Jesus. John 18:14 â€Å"It was Caiaphas who had advised the Jews that it was to their advantage that one man die for the people. † In this scripture Caiaphas is advising (counseling) the people on Jesus dying for the people. Advise The word advise has 947 different translations in 873 versus in the King James Version of the Bible and is derived from the Hebrew word ya-ats, meaning to know, learn to know, to perceive, see and discern, to name a few. These translations were only referenced to the Old Testament according to Blue Letter Bible; however after cross referencing with Crosswalk, New Testament scriptures were listed as well. Exodus 18:19 â€Å"Now listen to me. Let me tell you how to do this so that God will be in this with you. Be there for the people before God, but let the matters of concern be presented to God. † This scripture details Moses father in law advising him to be there for the people, however to allow God to handle everything and work things out for them. I Kings 12:6 â€Å"King Rehoboam talked it over with the elders who had advised his father when he was alive. ‘What’s your counsel? How do you suggest that I answer the people? ’† In this scripture the King is seeking to be counseled and advised from the elders as to how he should treat the people. Acts 21:21 â€Å"They’ve been told that you advise believing Jews who live surrounded by Gentiles to go light on Moses, telling them that they don’t need to circumcise their children or keep up the old traditions. This isn’t sitting at all well with them. † In this scripture they are discussing getting advise as to whether they should follow the traditional teachings of Moses and allow their children to be circumcised or if they should go against tradition. Help The word help appears 126 times in 117 versus throughout the King James Version of the Bible the Old and New Testament according to Blue letter Bible. Help is listed as to help (Qal), succor (Niphal), or support (Hiphil) which is defined as to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; to contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; to cooperate effectively (Webster 2005). Genesis 2:18 â€Å"God said, ‘It’s not good for the Man to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion. ’† In this scripture help is being used in the form of God giving Adam a companion in order for him to no longer be alone. Mark 9:24 â€Å"No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the father cried, ‘Then I believe. Help me with my doubts! ’† In this scripture the father of the demon possessed boy was seeking Jesus’ help with casting the demon out of his son. The father was acknowledging that he had a need of Jesus and that he knew that Jesus could help him, although a part of him had doubts, I would venture to say it was because the disciples had tried to cast the demon out of the boy and were unable to do so. Advice The word advice appears 9 times in 9 versus in the King James Version of the Bible and is derived from the Hebrew word dabar, meaning speech, word, speaking, thing. II Samuel 19:43 â€Å"And the men of Israel answered the men of Judah, and said , We have ten parts in the king, and we have also more right in David than ye: why then did ye despise us, that our advice should not be first had in bringing back our king? And the words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel. † In this scripture they are seeking advice as to why they were not sought out first as to the decision regarding bringing back the king. I Corinthians 1:10 â€Å"I have a serious concern to bring up with you, my friends, using the authority of Jesus, our Master. I’ll put it as urgently as I can: You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common. † In this scripture Paul is giving the people advice on getting along with each other and learning to be considerate. Discussion After completing this assignment and getting the information and knowledge gained from this course I can say that my view of counseling has changed. Although I have read the bible many times, and I am taking up Professional Counseling, it did not occur to me until this assignment how the bible is definitely the foundation for any counseling practice. When you look at some of the terms used to describe Jesus in the text,( i. e. Master, Teacher, Counselor, etc. ) it puts things in to perspective as to where the foundation of counseling began. Jesus is the central focus of counseling and the exemplar of the Wonderful Counselor. The Bible is about counseling, giving both understanding of people and methods of ministering to people. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and wisdom is the only worthy goal of counseling. (Carson, 2005). The Bible is authoritative, relevant and comprehensively sufficient for counseling. God has spoken to every issue that humans could possible face in the 66 Books of the Bible, which establishes the goal of counseling, how to change, what the role of the counselor is, counseling methods and so much more. The Bible’s view of counseling defines a distinctive ideal for how we as humans should live. The image of Christ is a familiar item in Christian profession, but its implications are often ignored when it comes to counseling. Much of the difficulty of counseling consists in sustaining suffers in hope through the comforts of the gospel. Counseling is simply the personalized ministry of the Bible, tailored to the particular situations and problems of individuals and small groups. In Genesis, God led the way when he was talking to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden regarding the decision they made to disobey his word and follow the serpent. Although this is a clear cut example of God counseling the two (advising, consulting, teaching, helping, etc. ), I don’t think we (society) really looks at this situation in regards to a counseling aspect. Models of spiritual counseling in the Bible can serve as important templates for counseling in the professional (secular) as well as the Christian aspects. The emphasis on communication and relationships implies the concept of involvement which is dependent on availability to council (Acts 20:31) and the importance of balance in the process of counseling, (Galatians 6:2 and 6:5). Conclusion There are so many more words that are found in the counseling sector that are used throughout the Bible this paper only included a few. Hathaway (2009) talks about Proverbs and Psalms being gold mines of wisdom and consolation relevant to counseling. The words from the Bible relating to counseling enhances counseling and are deemed appropriate as they relate to counseling outside the Christian realm. A concern that arose while doing the research is that the Biblical counseling aspect is non-subjective and refers to the counsel and the instructive power of God through the Holy Spirit. Biblical words in counseling are the foundation from where counseling stems, which reiterates that there is nothing new under the sun as it relates to what can be found in the Word of God. McMinn (1996 )states scripture and the counseling approach God enjoins, treats all of human life. The Bible’s counseling, on which we must seek to model our own counseling, speaks to the gamut of problems in living. Scripture comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable, turning people from foolishness to wisdom in every area: e. g. , learning to conciliate and to build constructive relationships in family, church, workplace, and neighborhood; attitudes and practices regarding finances and material possessions; responding to physical health or illness, to wealth or poverty, to success or failure, to acceptance or rejection; self-and other deception; addictive behaviors; the gamut of emotions, whether dysphoric (e. . , anger, depression, anxiety, fear, guilt) or euphoric (e. g. , love, happiness, joy, gratitude, confidence); decision-making; the response to suffering and bereavement; and so forth. In relation to using the Bible as a counseling tools it is best summed by Walker (2005) the Bible is sufficient to provide a systematic approach to counseling. The Bible pr ovides and models both counsel and counseling, teaching us to do likewise, with the intention of changing and sustaining people.